From unnecessary delays, unforeseen obstacles, and unexpected frustration, to serenity and predicted obstacles vanishing into the ether.

I’ve Got That Winning Feeling.

By Simon Wright.

But enough of my more vexatious-than-usual post-work dash to and from the Shire. Sorry, Mr Hall. Won’t happen again (this month). Unlike phantom roadworks on the M5, mutter, mutter.

Anyway, I eventually arrived at the Street and lustily pedalled my wares. In between, I played I Spy for serious faced directors. I counted 4, as I don’t yet recognise our latest director Helen while Peter Churchus rarely pootles behind the main stand. I imagine him to be locked into a small room, frantically moving beads to and fro on a big abacus and sighing mightily. Sorry, not that Beads. I jest, Peter. In my day job, when I more or less invited myself into your office, there was no abacus to be seen. (Perhaps you’d concealed it?)

My fears about a poor attendance were unfounded. Indeed, I had to queue for 5 minutes to get inside. Such was the queue I didn’t test out whether a WBA season ticket card would be accepted. It doesn’t work the other way around. I’ve tried!

90 minutes later, I was cock-a-hoop. I don’t want to be carried away by one win (but I might be). Lots of positives for sure. Ash, Maye, Thomas, Symo and Gowling were standouts in an solid all-round team display who required no replacements all evening. Equally, there are areas to work on. The first half felt like a continuation of the previous two meetings between the clubs where not much happened. I felt all too aware that one lapse in concentration a la Spennymoor could lead to a very different outcome. Once ahead in the second half, we gained in confidence while our visitors became progressively unhinged. Telford were not as effective as last season. As wise old Frank Williams pointed out, United missed the fluency of their departed striking duo. Without an Amari-Smith (or even a Symo), Gowling was the master in the air. I also noted their slow-turning, ponderous defenders Sutton and Streete. As did Brad Ash.

Exciting newbie Bradley reminds me of a modern-day Paul Peschisolido, a speedy if diminutive attacking pest for the Bluenoses, Stoke, Fulham, QPR etc back in the 1990’s. The Canadian international was ridiculously swift and harried opponents like an eager terrier. He collected a new set of bruises every match from concerned and ponderous defenders. Last night, The Demon Barber, Shaun Sutton, had repeated nightmares about Ash snapping between his legs at delicate moments wishing he had his cutthroat razor to hand.

As an aside and with bruising in mind, read that Leamington, our opponents next month had their third and fourth dismissal last night. They’re averaging almost as many dismissals as goals. Junior English, who clearly hadn’t done his homework, walked for the second straight game. Our new Sports Therapist George will need reinforcements that night and our team concrete shinpads.

I was buzzing at the final whistle and in no rush to set off back to the Black Country. Only later did I understand that much of my elation was related to duration. The 3 points extracted from Telford was Hereford’s first victory since March.

Gloucester, say you? For me, defeating City was a win yet lacked the buzz of a victory. There is a difference. Admittedly, hindsight and anecdotal details has led me to shift my view of those 90 minutes. The hapless Mr Richards was verbally martyred that evening, on the receiving end of opprobrium from both sets of supporters and who knows, maybe Board members too. No need to kick a man when he’s down (especially when you want to play on his front lawn) I’m more willing to consider our lampooned former Head Coach focussed only on the bare job of “get the points and get out”. Anyone else notice City are surprisingly level with us in the table, following an impressive win at Kiddy Harriers. Including last season, Gloucester have won six away fixtures in a row. Remarkable form for a rootless operation without urination vessels (aka no pot to **** in). Impressive work by the manager. Wonder if he fancies moving up the food chain? Let me park that thought forthwith as I’m already accused of being mischievous.

And finally, pleasing that we are the bogey team for other clubs. We’re now unbeaten in five encounters with the new town newcomers. And thinking of bogies, the Bulls put six past our next opponents Blyth last term. Their manager Lee Clark was, according to the Hereford Times, linked to our Head Coach vacancy last time it came up. That’s Newcastle-upon-Tyne based Lee Clark? Yeah that would work.

Keep out the hoss road.

Images; Hereford FC

By Editor

Lifelong Hereford supporter who has endured the rise and fall of the club through progressive generations. Sports journalist, broadcaster and commentator who will never forget his Edgar Street roots.

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