Members who have not already renewed their HUST subscription have been reminded by email that membership for those who joined before 16 June 2016, lapsed on 20 October, the day of the AGM.
Current glitches with the online renewal system are still being resolved and so members are requested to renew by post using the membership application forms available via the HUST website, or in person at the HUST table in Radford’s before the home matches against Shortwood United this Saturday, 12 November.
By renewing their subscription or by joining HUST, the major shareholder in Hereford FC, fans can play an active role in the future direction of the club ensuring that it is run sustainably on its journey up the leagues. Whilst fans have shown their support for the club by purchasing season tickets and turning up in numbers at both home and away matches it is only by joining the Supporters’ Trust that they can have their voice represented in the Hereford FC boardroom through their HUST nominated directors.
Those members who renewed prior to the AGM will hold subscriptions up to 19 October 2017.
New members subscriptions will expire in one year from the actual date of application.